When I compare my life or progress to someone else I may occasionally think I’m doing worse than they are. That is a self-defeating pity trap. I rob myself of acknowledging my progress, basking in it and using it as a launching point for more growth.
When I compare my life or progress to someone else I may occasionally think I’m doing better than they are but this is just an ego trap. What’s the worth of thinking I’m doing better than someone else? To “prove” I’m superior. It doesn’t mean I’m happy, it doesn’t mean I’m where I want to be in life and career, it doesn’t mean I’m living a spiritual life full of love, compassion and serenity. It only means I have some work to do, which I’m not doing because I’m distracted and lulling myself into thinking I’m not doing so bad because so and so is worse.
True measures of success are how it makes me feel on the side. Not how it compares to where someone else is on the outside.
#coaching #leadership #happiness
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