In Nepal, the government MINIMUM student teacher ratio is 55:1. While touring the country side I spoke with many teachers that had class sizes less than this but also a few that had many more than 55, up to a 105 students.
With few resources, how is a teacher suppose to manage the classroom behaviour of so many students and still achieve learning goals?
We get what we focus on!
With this principle in mind we moved from a list of problem behaviours to brain storm the positive alternatives they desired. For example, they listed shy students who don’t speak up as a challenge, with the desired alternative of active participation.
Teachers then assembled the words that represented the desired classroom behaviours into an acronym. Mr. Prasad from Shree Mahendra Mandir Secondary School came up with T.E.A.C.H. which represented Tidiness, Eagerness, Active, Creative, and Helpful. He demonstrated the principle of creativity by depicting these values on a poster that he would display in his classroom.
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