Purpose and Meaning

/Purpose and Meaning

Move from Distracted to Focused in Under an Hour

Webinar Series: Leadership in a Complex World Moving from Global Distractions & Competing Priorities to creating Focus that Matters Are mounting distractions and competing priorities pulling you in multiple directions? Are you spending time weeding other people’s garden with no time left for your own? Join us to reclaim your precious time and focus on what matters most. Date: [...]

    The Unintended Consequences

    When the goat went missing this morning, I had a feeling it was due to my impending departure. I was dreading this. That guilty feeling that I might be causing more harm than doing good. My intentions are irrelevant. It doesn’t matter why I’m here or what I have been asked to do. Once the intervention (my arrival) has been [...]

      5 Practical Strategies for Reawakening Your Passion for Work

      There comes a time in everyone's life when it's time to take stock.  That's because goals that have been achieved are no longer motivators to continue doing what we are doing; be it the top job, the big house, the new car or launching the next new product. To determine if "it's time" for you to take stock, check-in and see [...]

      By |2018-10-28T10:15:41-06:00May 19th, 2011|Personal Mastery, Purpose and Meaning|0 Comments