Monthly Archives: June 2020



LIVE VIRTUAL EVENT Leaders are dealing with fundamental, rapid change. Monitoring the wellness of employees and teams while maintaining team cohesion & connection has become much more important, but more difficult, especially if employees are working remotely. It can feel like an overwhelming responsibility to consider workplace wellness. You are not alone. Many of our clients are expressing [...]

By |2020-06-17T17:22:26-06:00June 18th, 2020|Coaching, Leadership Skills, Resilience|0 Comments

Leadership Development is Part of Your Job

Leadership development isn’t in addition to your job it IS your job. Because leadership is about evolving growing and adding more value. Are you in a leadership role? Are you being called on to lead in a way that you have never done before? Do you need leadership support right now but don’t know how to ask? Professional [...]

By |2020-06-17T14:35:12-06:00June 10th, 2020|Coaching, Leadership Skills, Strategy|0 Comments

A-I-R How Can I Help My Team

Calling all “fixers” and you know who you are! I’m hearing that leaders and staff are petrified about #RTW returning to work in a communal space. One said I’m terrified of working in a “Cargill tower” - WOW. Another honest and struggling leader shared that she had to go to the office briefly and couldn’t get down the [...]

By |2020-06-01T11:48:24-06:00June 1st, 2020|Coaching, Leadership Skills|1 Comment

Caring For Your Team Mental Health Continuum

I've been hearing from some pretty angry leaders at how their bosses are not being flexible enough, not using video technology to connect, not being real (meaning vulnerable), not making tough decisions, not dealing with people who are not adapting, and who only contact them when they want something from them.  It can be hard to [...]