Monthly Archives: November 2010


Leadership in one small action

We all live busy lives but how much time does it take to ask a simple question that may change the life of another FOREVER. While volunteering on behalf of Health Reach Canada, I met Vani Thangpuii, in Pokhara (a city of 1 million people), Nepal. Vani has many projects underway including, literacy, health education in the schools, water storage [...]

By |2018-10-28T10:15:42-06:00November 25th, 2010|Leadership Skills, Role Modeling|0 Comments

Getting Everyone on the Same Page

Core Values in Nepali Core Values in English Last week,  Mr. Krishna Bahadur K.C., the Chairman of the School Management Committee, of Shree Shanti Niketan Primary School was looking for ways to mobilize his community towards common goals. He was looking for a common denominator to bind the stakeholders that were impacted by future change initiatives. Key Question [...]

By |2018-10-28T10:15:42-06:00November 25th, 2010|Change Strategies, Core Values, Leadership Skills|0 Comments

Presence Moment Along a Riverbank in Nepal

Foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal After taking in Doug Silsbee's work on Mindful Leadership and Coaching  in Banff, hosted by Larry Huslmans with Reframe Leadership, I have been practising being more present in both my coaching practise and in my life. When you become attuned to taking in all that is there in the moment you learn to both [...]

By |2018-10-28T10:15:43-06:00November 22nd, 2010|Leadership Skills|0 Comments

We are all the same!

We are all the same. This statement came to life this past week while working with community leaders in Sundarbazaar, a semi-developed village of Lamjung, Nepal. The group of 15 was comprised of Head School Masters (principals), and the chairperson s from the School Management Committees, who together with the government, are responsible for providing and funding public education in 10 [...]