Monthly Archives: August 2010


How to Become More Self Aware Faster…Like now!

Today I co-facilitated an industry lunch for the Calgary Change Management Think Tank using a unique work method called Anecdote Circles. What are Anecdote Circles? Anecdote circles are a process and a work method that can be used for a wide range of purposes. It can be used to gather data about what's really going on in your business, solve sensitive [...]

By |2018-10-28T10:15:43-06:00August 25th, 2010|Leadership Skills, Learning, Personal Mastery|0 Comments

Learning While Doing – Fast Track to Action Learning

This is a continuation of a previous blog series on the 5 Ways to Use a Change Initiative as a Leadership Development Opportunity. As a refresher the 5 targeted activities are listed below with this week’s focus on number 2, Action Learning. 5 Targeted Activities to Facilitate Leadership Development are: Developmental Assignments (within and outside of your current job) Action [...]

By |2018-10-28T10:15:43-06:00August 18th, 2010|Leadership Skills, Learning|0 Comments

5 ways to Use a Change Initiative as a Leadership Development Opportunity

During tough economic times, when hiring freezes are prevalent and staff capacity is low, many organizations staff their new initiatives (programs and or projects) with consultants, contractors, or staff with performance challenges. If you get what you invest in these initiatives, then it's no wonder many are disappointed at the lack of sustainable success. Dust off that succession plan and put [...]

By |2018-10-28T10:15:43-06:00August 3rd, 2010|Change Strategies, Leadership Skills|0 Comments