Gain Clarity and Perspective
Professional coaching brings clarity and perspective to life’s challenges, enabling individuals to discover new ways to achieve their personal and professional goals. Coaching is action-oriented and outcome-focused. It is a one-to-one, client-coach partnership that promotes self-awareness and inspires individuals to maximize their potential.
Professional coaches are unbiased. We don’t have a vested interest in who you were, only who you want to become.
Invest in yourself. Engage a coach today. Re-imagine what’s possible.
1. Leadership Coaching
“Having a coach provides the unusual opportunity to discuss issues, and try out ideas with someone who can understand them and provide helpful, objective feedback and suggestions, while maintaining strict confidentiality.” Gary Yukl, Author of Leadership in Organizations
What leadership challenges are you facing today?
- Need to improve the organizational culture at your company
- Have a vision in mind but need help building a strategic road map and alliances to take up the cause
- Concerned about the impact of new regulations, technologies, market and social changes
- Worried about a serious economic, financial or business crisis
- Receiving criticism of your people management or communication skills
- Struggling with relationships with your boss, peers or subordinates
- Worried about meeting targets because turnover is creating productivity issues
- Feeling burnt out, stressed or disengaged
- Hiring staff and then finding you’re disappointed with their performance
- Need to retain and develop new talent
In today’s fast-paced highly competitive market place it can be challenging to learn and develop leadership skills in a progressive and supportive environment. As a result, many leaders seek professional coaching to facilitate on-the-job learning. An external coach brings a wide range of organizational experience and greater objectivity with a guarantee of absolute confidentiality. You will learn the skills, attitudes and approaches that are relevant to your developmental goals.
Still not sure if leadership coaching is right for you?
For a complimentary 30-minute coaching session Contact Us
What Clients Are Saying
2. Quick Disc Coaching
2. Career Coaching
Do any of these situations ring a bell?
- Not getting support for career advancement from your manager
- Got a new boss and worried about job security
- Feeling like you could add more value but no one is listening
- Frustrated your career is going nowhere
- Working hard, yet still not being recognized
- Feeling unfairly passed over for a promotion
- In a new role and feeling in over your head
- Been out of the workplace, or out of the Canadian market, for awhile and trying to re-enter
- Thinking about a career change but taking no action around it
- Longing to do something different but not sure how to get started
Increasingly, individuals are seeking career coaching to help shape aspirations, develop action plans and achieve career goals. Whether you’re looking to re-discover the value proposition in your current career, achieve higher levels of performance or define and find your dream job, career coaching can help.
Still not sure if career coaching is right for you?
For a complimentary 30-minute coaching session Contact Us
What Clients Are Saying
3. Whats Next in Life? – Figuring Out What’s Next In Life
Have you had any of these thoughts?
- Defined yourself with a professional label for so long that you’ve lost your identity? I’m an engineer. I’m a CEO. I’m a ___________. What am I now?
- Want to stay engaged and active but not clear on what that involves
- Worried about how you’re going to fill your 16 hour days
- Concerned about what will happen to your professional legacy
- Worried about isolation? Losing close relationships developed through work
- Wondering what will happen to home relationships when your daily routine is disrupted, or your partner retires
- Realizing you can’t golf, garden or _________ 16 hours a day, every day and wondering what will add meaning to your life
- Worried about wasting your days away in front of the TV or computer
- Have a long list of “when I retire…” but can’t seem to get started
- Been talking about retiring but haven’t done anything to prepare
Realizing you can’t golf 16 hours a day when you leave your full-time career?Then get started on shaping what’s next.
Many people spend more time planning a one-time vacation than they do the largest, and most complex, time block of their life. As a result, preconceived ideals about “retirement” are not met and dissatisfaction sets in. The reality is, this new stage in your life, which we like to call your encore, can be the most rewarding if planned for properly. Figure out what’s next and create an action plan for a successful transition from your primary career to encore career or next stage with the help of a professional coach.
Still not sure if encore coaching is right for you?
For a complimentary 30-minute coaching session Contact Us
What Clients Are Saying