Upcoming LWCV Events

Webinar: Drama in the Workplace
Wednesday, Aug 29, 2018 • 11 am MT / 10 am PT / 1pm ET
Are you experiencing drama in your workplace or life? Do you find it frustrating and at times ill-equipped on how to deal with it? You are not alone in this struggle.
Drama is one of the 4 levels that we use to engage with others and our situations. You can learn to quickly drop below the level of drama and perceive new levels of what’s really going on.
Join this experiential webinar where you’ll discover and experience tools for dealing with drama as you learn to lead with ease in a complex world.
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Webinar: Complicated vs Complex
Tuesday, Dec 4, 2018 • 10 am MT / 12 pm ET/ 9am PT
Have you been applying traditional solutions to a complex situation?
Today’s complex challenges cannot be solved with yesterday’s linear thinking. This isn’t about fixing it – it’s about exploring and discovering what’s possible for complex situations.
Re-energize and learn how to lead with ease.

Webinar: The Oxygen Mask
Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018 • 3 pm MT / 5 pm ET/ 2 pm PT
Finding your energy is depleted at work?
Organizations are demanding ever-higher performance from their workforces. People are trying to comply, but putting in longer hours only creates exhaustion, unhealthy workplaces, and friction in other parts of our lives. Join us in using some practical tools to replenish your energy in four important areas of your life and by creating practices at work that re-energize you and build resilience.

Webinar: Leading Change and Embracing Resistance
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019 • 9 am MT / 8 am PT / 11 am ET
These days we are hearing a lot about the uncertainty of our world and the stacking of change at a pace that is unrelenting. Many business experts refer to this as a VUCA environment. VUCA stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. The demands on us are changing every day and the behaviours that carried us through yesterday are not necessarily what will help us tomorrow. .
Join us where you’ll discover and experience tools for dealing with change and resistance as you learn to lead with ease in a complex world.