- 1616.September.SundayNo events
- 1717.September.MondayNo events
- 1818.September.Tuesday
Leadership in a Complex World - Fall Online Learning Program
This live, online interactive program will grow your leadership capacity beyond the numbers – navigating that fine line between results and relationships. The immediate experiences and insights gained gives you the confidence and practical tools needed to create the kind of leadership brand that people will follow and work hard for.
6 – 2 hour sessions that are in a group coaching format where you engage and learn from other leaders as well on topics relating to influencing without authority, leading change and dealing with resistance, how to motivate yourself and your staff, prioritizing competing commitments and finding balance and much more.
You will leave with a vision and path on where your new leader-self is heading and be supported with one post-program coaching session.
Join us, verifiable PDU certificates are issued upon completion.
- 1919.September.WednesdayNo events
- 2020.September.ThursdayNo events
- 2121.September.FridayNo events
- 2222.September.SaturdayNo events